Looking for resources?

I provide both free and paid resources for other writers and the writing community. Take a look at what I have linked below to see if there's anything I can assist you with!

Free Stuff

Read any book off Amy's backlist when you Subscribe to the inner circle newsletter today!

Join Amy's Inner Circle to get the latest release information and all the insider secrets to the Yakuza Path universe.

Privacy Policy: Your e-mails will never be sold, and are kept private. They are used only for the newsletter, and announcements for any upcoming releases from Amy.  All Amazon links are affiliate links.

For Writers

One-to-One Newsletter Consulting

Are you tired of being just another ‘like’ in your readers’ Facebook feeds? Do you want to build a relationship with your readers and turn them into super fans? Amy will show you why having a newsletter is important in today’s ever changing social media market, and how to entice readers to subscribe to yours.

Gain the knowledge on how to keep your backlist selling, and the best way to lead readers through an autoresponder campaign. You will also learn how to gain information from your newsletter about where to sell your books and how to create a review team willing to work for you. Turn nameless readers into superfans willing to support all your writing adventures.

You'll receive an hour long Skype call where we can talk about what you want from your newsletter.

Price: $99.00

If you're interested in improving your newsletter, or would like Amy to talk at your writing group, email contact@amytasukada.com

For Conferences / Workshops

Classes and Speaking Events

Amy is a sought-after speaker available for both online and in person workshops. Feel free to reach Amy at contact@amytasukada.com so she can teach at your writing conference, club, or group.

Classes Include:

  • Making Your Newsletter Work for You
  • Building Your  Novel and Series Bible
  • An Authors Guide to Wellness
  • Writing with Cultural Proficiency, Diversity, and Inclusion in Mind
  • Exploring the Rainbow an LGBTQIA+ 101 for Writing Beyond the Gay Best Friend

For Readers

Reach Out!

Amy loves to hear from readers! Reach out via email at: contact@amytasukada.com!

For Book Clubs

Social Groups!

Amy would be happy to speak at your book club via online platform for free. Have five or more people who have already read one of Amy’s books ready, and she will Zoom/Skype/Facetime in for a half-hour. It will be tons of fun! To schedule, please email contact@amytasukada.com.

For Librarians / Booksellers

Order for your Library or Store

Amy’s books are available in the One Drive system and can be ordered for your library or bookstore there.

For Subsidiary Rights Agents

Questions About Harvesting Rights?

All of Amy’s books are available for purchase of subsidiary rights. Please email contact@amytasukada.com if you are interested in harvesting rights.